
“Last November, I watched Representative Robyn Vining take an afternoon to listen to Wauwatosa East High School students express their concerns for the future of Wisconsin. Robyn responded to every student with a level of empathy and determination that left the room feeling heard and validated. 

Now, as a newly turned 18-year-old and registered voter, I am extremely proud to say that I will be casting a vote for Robyn Vining as our 14th District State Assembly representative. When I think of the future of our state and the leadership it will require to move forward and improve as a community, I think of the commitment Representative Vining has shown to her constituents and her unwavering dedication to truly listen to those whom she represents. I cannot think of a more dependable, trustworthy, and sincere leader to represent the 14th district of Wisconsin.

Robyn’s priorities as a state assembly representative align perfectly with what our community wants and needs right now. Her support for the Healthy Women, Healthy Babies initiative, her dedication to common-sense gun reform and justice for all, and her devotion to a cleaner and healthier planet makes me feel safe and heard, and gives me hope that Wisconsin is moving towards a brighter future. 

We are at a pivotal point in our state’s history and now, more than ever, every vote matters. I will be casting my first general election ballot for Representative Robyn Vining this fall and I urge every community member to do the same.” -Eva