Justice for All

It is clear that as a state government, we need to address racial disparities in healthcare, education, housing, and the criminal justice system. We need representatives to the Wisconsin State Assembly who will truly govern with a commitment to “liberty and justice for all”. 

We have both a moral and constitutional duty to ensure that the legislation of our state provides all people equal protection and the opportunity for life, and liberty. I am committed to continue the challenging work of pursuing the “more perfect union” envisioned by our state and nation’s founders and reformers.

Economic Fairness

We need an economy that works for ALL. I will continue to work for economic policies that work for the citizens of the 13th district. I will continue to prioritize the prosperity of Wisconsin families ahead of pressure from special interest groups. I represent the voice of the small business owners, working parents, young adults climbing the ladder, and empty nesters who want to live in a thriving community. Our community thrives when all of our citizens thrive. And as a Democrat I believe, “all means all”.