Fair Maps

Fair Maps
Fair Maps was one of my first pieces of legislation that I introduced when I got to Madison. We introduced a bill to create a non-partisan redistricting commission, removing the ability for the people in power to use that power to protect their own job, and their own political party’s power. Voters should choose their politicians–politicians should not choose their voters.
Working Together in Madison
I value bipartisanship–it’s what the people want, and it’s what the people deserve. I often call my Republican colleagues to check in on them, and their lives, because our work is rooted in relationships, and just because we sit on different sides of the aisle doesn’t mean we can’t build relationships and get the “people’s work” done–together.
I believe any two people can sit down and find common ground, find a common path forward on any number of issues. It’s with that spirit I’ve carefully crafted legislation in a bipartisan manner, often seeking Republican partners on legislation to reduce costs on EpiPens, the Go Big For Small Business portal, childhood health and mental health, maternal health, fatherhood, and I’ve even offered to hand the authorship of legislation that I’ve written off to my Republican colleagues in the majority if it meant the legislation were more likely to be passed by the Republican majority. They often turn me down on that offer, but I keep offering–it’s a saying in my office that we “check our egos at the door and get the job done”.
There is far more that unites us than divides us, and we need to remember that as we seek to do the will of the people we represent. Fair maps help to create a less polarized atmosphere, and it is my hope now that we have finally ended gerrymandering in Wisconsin that the next legislative session will be one we see polarization dissipate, relationships across the aisle grow, and more legislation benefiting the Wisconsin people passed as a result.
The Wisconsinites I know want us to “sit down and get something done!”–and I will continue to work hard to do just that.